Chaotic Geeks by Ricardo Soto
I am responding to an opinion piece written by former judge Andrew P. Napolitano.
I am not calling him a chaotic geek--I am calling the intelligence community a bunch of chaotic geeks.
The intelligence community or a handful of their members hide within my bedroom walls attacking me and my human rights via intelligence technology. They pretend to be hidden in countries, such as Russia and China when they are here in the USA.
These domestic terrorists or chaotic geeks feel empowered by the use of technology using them as weaponry against United States citizens, such as myself.
Napolitano says the Fourth Amendment "guarantees privacy in 'persons, houses, papers, and effects;' yet, I have no privacy.
I have no privacy, due to around the clock surveillance for made up fantasy claims made on the spot by these intelligence mobsters.
I just found out that President Biden banned Pegasus from government use, which I applaud and wrote about the spyware back on February 15, 2022--I call this a win. Thankfully, Napolitano briefly wrote about it in his opinion piece.
Napolitano states:
"Criminal? Yes, criminal. Hacking a computer without consent or a search warrant is a crime, no matter where it is committed or by whom."
I agree.
These intelligence mobsters who plot against me hack me technologically multiple times a day, they should lose their security clearances and be given felonies.
Napolitano, A. N. P. J. H. (2023, January 5). Ours is a government that assaults liberty | Napolitano. New Jersey Herald.
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